Banco CTT

by Banco CTT, S.A.



The innovative App Banco CTT allows you to perform all everyday transactions.

The app of Banco CTT allows you to access in a very simple and quick way to your everyday bank transactions. Consult your global position, check account balances and last movements, make domestic and international transfers as well as Bill and Tax payments. Take a look at our app at Download it now and have Banco CTT always near You.Our application has user friendly and simple navigation support menus, so that you can experience all its functionalities, enhancing your user experience.• Services and Transactions:o Check account Balances and Movementso Request and Management of debit cardso View and Management of credit cardso Bill Paymentso Tax Paymentso Mobile Topupso Domestic Transferso International Transfers (SEPA)o Send IBAN proof documento Subscription of term depositso View account and card monthly statemento Among othersWe seek to ease our Clients lives. Perform all transactions through our application, in a simple quick and safe way. Only a solid, reliable and nearness bank like Banco CTT can simplify Clients lives this much.The new version of Banco CTT app includes:• Some bug fixes • Stability and performance enhancementsPlease ensure you always have the App Banco CTT version updated and if you have any questions or suggestions, share them with us using the following email: [email protected]

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Slow, not user friendly, I can't even send money to a foreign account. Gotta open the site on my mobile browser instead. Really, CTT?

Lisandra Pereira

There is no 0 star to rate this app and it is a pity. Slow, not friendly at all. I suppose somebody at CTT paid a lot of people to get a 3,7 stars rate for this very bad app.

Manin Black


ismail ali

love it

Jamie Ng

Para quando agendamentos programados de transferências?

Daniel Maínha

Probabilidade de não ter um erro numa operação 50%. É um jogo de sorte...

Bruno Dias

Very convenient and easy to use I appreciate you banco CTT ❤️

Karanveer Singh

App fraca em funcionalidades, por exemplo não dá para fazer agendamento para transferências mensais, é possível fazer constituição de planos de poupança, mas não é possível fazer resgate/mobilização parcial ou total. Não é problema exclusivo da app, no homebanking em pc, tem exactamente os mesmos problemas, o que deixa os clientes completamente dependentes dos balcões e não devo ser o único que trabalha e não tem tempo para se deslocar aos balcões fisicos, que também fecham ao almoço. Mau!

Joao Godinho

Design deixa muito a desejar, aplicação mal otimizada e com poucas funções

Eduardo Geraldes

Não consigo fazer login...

Luís Mendes Jorge